sl/mnt OK, lukas.

Maxim DS2502 driver device binding - one wire protocol add only memory from Maxim

This memory needs to be connected to a onewire bus, as a child node.
The bus will read the device serial number and match this node with a found
device on the bus
Also check doc/device-tree-bindings/w1 for onewire bus drivers

- drivers/w1-eeprom/ds2502.c

Ds2502 device-tree node properties:
* compatible = "maxim,ds2502"

* none

	eeprom1: eeprom@0 {
		compatible = "maxim,ds2502";

Example with parent bus:
	onewire {
		compatible = "fsl,imx53-owire";
		reg = <0x63fa4000 0x4000>;

		eeprom1: eeprom@0 {
			compatible = "maxim,ds2502";