sl/mnt OK, lukas.

Bootcount Configuration
This is the implementation of the feature as described in

Required Properties:
- compatible: must be "u-boot,bootcount-syscon".
- syscon: reference to the syscon device used.
- reg: contains address and size of the register and the location and size of the
bootcount value.
	   The driver supports a 4 bytes register length and 2 and 4 bytes
	   bootcount value length.
- reg-names: must be "syscon_reg", "offset";

	syscon0: syscon@0 {
		compatible = "sandbox,syscon0";
		reg = <0x10 16>;
	bootcount@0 {
		compatible = "u-boot,bootcount-syscon";
		syscon = <&syscon0>;
		reg = <0x0 0x04>, <0x0 0x04>;
		reg-names = "syscon_reg", "offset";