sl/mnt OK, lukas.

Maxim MAX98357A audio DAC

This node models the Maxim MAX98357A DAC.

Required properties:
- compatible : "maxim,max98357a"

Optional properties:
- sdmode-gpios : GPIO specifier for the chip's SD_MODE pin.
	If this option is not specified then driver does not manage
	the pin state (e.g.  chip is always on).
- sdmode-delay : specify delay time for SD_MODE pin.
	If this option is specified, which means it's required i2s clocks
	ready before SD_MODE is unmuted in order to avoid the speaker pop noise.
	It's observed that 5ms is sufficient.


max98357a {
	compatible = "maxim,max98357a";
	sdmode-gpios = <&qcom_pinmux 25 0>;