sl/mnt OK, lukas.

* MAX7320 I/O expanders

The original maxim 7320 i/o expander offers 8 bit push/pull outputs.
There exists some clones which offers 16 bit.

Required Properties:

  - compatible: should be one of the following.
    - "maxim,max7320"

  - reg: I2C slave address.

  - gpio-controller: Marks the device node as a gpio controller.
  - #gpio-cells: Should be 2.  The first cell is the GPIO number and the second
    cell specifies GPIO flags, as defined in <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>.
    Only the
    GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH and GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flags are supported.

Optional Properties:

   - ngpios: tell the driver how many gpios the device offers.
     if the property is omitted, 8bit (original maxim) is assumed.

Please refer to gpio.txt in this directory for details of the common GPIO
bindings used by client devices.

Example: MAX7320 I/O expander node

	ledgpio: max7320@5d {
		status = "okay";
		compatible = "maxim,max7320";
		reg = <0x5d>;
		#gpio-cells = <2>;
		ngpios = <16>;