Welcome to the MNT Reform desktop. Useful keyboard shortcuts (SUPER is the MNT logo key): SUPER ENTER Open a terminal SUPER ESC Close active window SUPER D Find and launch programs SUPER F1 Decrease backlight brightness SUPER F2 Decrease backlight brightness SUPER SHIFT S Take screenshot (in ~/Pictures) SUPER SHIFT X Take screenshot of an area SUPER 1 … Go to workspace 1 - 9 SUPER 9 To move the active window to a workspace, press the same combination, but together with SHIFT. Only on wayfire: SUPER ←/→ Tile window to left or right SUPER ↑/↓ (Un)maximize window SUPER TAB Overview of all windows ALT TAB Cycle through windows Customize the sway or wayfire configuration: micro ~/.config/sway/config micro ~/.config/wayfire/config To learn more about the command line, enter: reform-help Read the MNT Reform handbook in a browser: reform-handbook