echo command ============ Synopsis -------- :: echo [-n] [args ...] Description ----------- The echo command prints its arguments to the console separated by spaces. -n Do not print a line feed after the last argument. args Arguments to be printed. The arguments are evaluated before being passed to the command. Examples -------- Strings are parsed before the arguments are passed to the echo command: :: => echo "a" 'b' c a b c => Observe how variables included in strings are handled: :: => setenv var X; echo "a)" ${var} 'b)' '${var}' c) ${var} a) X b) ${var} c) X => -n suppresses the line feed: :: => echo -n 1 2 3; echo a b c 1 2 3a b c => echo -n 1 2 3 1 2 3=> A more complex example: :: => for i in a b c; do for j in 1 2 3; do echo -n "${i}${j}, "; done; echo; done; a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3, => Return value ------------ The return value $? is always set to 0 (true).