.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ mx6sabreauto ============ How to use and build U-Boot on mx6sabreauto ------------------------------------------- mx6sabreauto_defconfig target supports mx6q/mx6dl/mx6qp sabreauto variants. In order to build it: .. code-block:: bash $ make mx6sabreauto_defconfig $ make This will generate the SPL and u-boot-dtb.img binaries. - Flash the SPL binary into the SD card: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo dd if=SPL of=/dev/sdX bs=1K seek=1 conv=notrunc && sync - Flash the u-boot-dtb.img binary into the SD card: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo dd if=u-boot-dtb.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1K seek=69 conv=notrunc && sync Booting via Falcon mode ----------------------- Write in mx6sabreauto_defconfig the following define below: CONFIG_SPL_OS_BOOT=y In order to build it: .. code-block:: bash $ make mx6sabreauto_defconfig $ make This will generate the SPL image called SPL and the u-boot-dtb.img. - Flash the SPL image into the SD card: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo dd if=SPL of=/dev/sdb bs=1K seek=1 conv=notrunc && sync - Flash the u-boot-dtb.img image into the SD card: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo dd if=u-boot-dtb.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1K seek=69 conv=notrunc && sync Create a FAT16 boot partition to store uImage and the dtb file, then copy the files there: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo cp uImage /media/boot $ sudo cp imx6dl-sabreauto.dtb /media/boot Create a partition for root file system and extract it there: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo tar xvf rootfs.tar.gz -C /media/root The SD card must have enough space for raw "args" and "kernel". To configure Falcon mode for the first time, on U-Boot do the following commands: - Load dtb file from boot partition:: # load mmc 0:1 ${fdt_addr} imx6dl-sabreauto.dtb - Load kernel image from boot partition:: # load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} uImage - Write kernel at 2MB offset:: # mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x1000 0x4000 - Setup kernel bootargs:: # setenv bootargs "console=ttymxc3,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait quiet rw" - Prepare args:: # spl export fdt ${loadaddr} - ${fdt_addr} - Write args 1MB data (0x800 sectors) to 1MB offset (0x800 sectors):: # mmc write 18000000 0x800 0x800 - Restart the board and then SPL binary will launch the kernel directly.