.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ imxrt1050-evk ============= How to use U-Boot on NXP i.MXRT1050 EVK --------------------------------------- - Build U-Boot for i.MXRT1050 EVK: .. code-block:: bash $ make mrproper $ make imxrt1050-evk_defconfig $ make This will generate the SPL image called SPL and the u-boot.img. - Flash the SPL image into the micro SD card: .. code-block:: bash $sudo dd if=SPL of=/dev/sdX bs=1k seek=1 conv=notrunc; sync - Flash the u-boot.img image into the micro SD card: .. code-block:: bash $sudo dd if=u-boot.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1k seek=128 conv=notrunc; sync - Jumper settings:: SW7: 1 0 1 0 where 0 means bottom position and 1 means top position (from the switch label numbers reference). - Connect the USB cable between the EVK and the PC for the console. The USB console connector is the one close the ethernet connector - Insert the micro SD card in the board, power it up and U-Boot messages should come up.