grab the following files and write them to an sdcard like this: ; hget >install74.img ; hget >flash.bin ; dd -bs 8m /your/sdcard ; dd -bs 1k -seek 33 /your/sdcard lines beginning with • are sourced from • Install the SD card in your reform (assuming you have the boot switch set to SD) and you should be presented with u-boot, which will boot into the OpenBSD bootloader. Interrupt the OpenBSD bootloader and type “set tty fb0”, then press enter to boot the installer. • Install OpenBSD as normal, you should be able to install to NVMe without issue. Full disk encryption also works, as well as unlocking the disk in the bootloader. note: after booting the kernel i couldn't mount the sdcard image to install from, so had to use http install. • At the end of the install, don’t select reboot, instead choose shell. In the shell run echo "set tty fb0" > /mnt/etc/boot.conf to make sure the framebuffer console is used on boot note: if you install more than one operating system on the nvme, openbsd's bootloader won't understand how to find your openbsd partition. you will need to interrupt it and provide the following: boot> set tty fb0 # bootloader didn't know where to find /etc/boot.conf boot> boot sr0a:/bsd # if your installed is encrypted, point to the softraid device caveats: - some drivers (like iwn) are not included by default in the arm64 kernel.